Job, Internship and Volunteer Fair on September 14!


Contributed by Kristin LiBritz

Whether you are seeking information on possible careers, actively looking for a local opportunity or starting your search for employment after graduation - join us in Emerson Suites!  Job, internship and volunteer opportunities will be shared during our annual fall career fair.  Students from all majors and class years are encouraged to attend this fair.

Students may login to their personal account at to see a list of registered employers (note that employers will continue to register until a few days before the fair).  Students who are seeking opportunities are encouraged to research listed companies before coming to the fair.  Professional dress is expected and all students are encouraged to bring copies of their resumes.

**You can get your resume critiqued in Career Services from 10-4 daily starting August 31 or at the Free Speech Rock on Thursday August 27 from noon - 1:30**

Visit for more information.

The Fall 2009 Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair is sponsored by the Office of Career Services, the IC Class of 2010 and the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement.