Student Handbook and Legal Notices


Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins

The Ithaca College Student Handbook is now online, and can be accessed at:

There is a lot of valuable information in the handbook, including the student conduct code, policies, and residential life information, with which you should become familiar.

The College is also required by law to provide information related to all federal and New York State laws that are critical for you to know. The "Public Safety" section of the student handbook serves as the College's annual security report as required by federal law. 

At the links below, you will find relevant information on educational records, personal safety and crime prevention strategies, the law enforcement authority of campus security, policies and procedures for reporting crimes that may occur on campus, sexual assault and hate crime laws, and crime statistics for the most recent three-year period. To maximize your personal safety and the security of your personal belongings, please take time to read the following sections carefully.

FERPA: The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is designed to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data.

More Info on FERPA Policies

Public Safety, Reporting Crimes, and Campus Crime Statistics

Public Safety:
IC Policy Manual: "Office of Public Safety" (Section 2.8.1)

Sexual Assault legislation:
IC Policy Manual: "Rape, Other Sexual Offenses, and Sexual Harassment" (Section 2.8.3)

Hate Crimes legislation:
IC Policy Manual: "Hate Crimes" (Section 2.8.4)

Crime statistics:
IC Policy Manual: "Crime Statistics" (Section 2.8.5)

Standards of Conduct with Respect to Illegal Drugs and Alcohol, Description of Legal Sanctions and Health Risks, and Availability of Drug and Alcohol Counseling

IC Policy Manual: "Drug and Alcohol Policies" (Section 2.8.8)

Information on Sex Offender Registry and Access to Related Information

IC Policy Manual: "Sex Offender Registry and Access to Related Information" (Section

Daily Crime Log

The Office of Public Safety maintains a daily log listing all criminal offenses required to be reported under federal law.  The log lists the date, time reported, time occurred, general location, and disposition of the offense, if this information is known at the time the log is created.  Certain information may temporarily be withheld to protect a victim or maintain the integrity of an in-progress criminal investigation.  The daily crime log is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of Public Safety or anytime online.

Office of Public Safety: Daily Crime Logs 2009

Public Safety Reports

The Office of Media Relations maintains a listing of public safety reports. These listings provide information on all crimes reported to the Office of Public Safety as well as on other incidents to which Public Safety has responded. Such incidents can include, but are not limited to, bias-related incidents, emergency medical and fire responses, referrals for alleged violations of the student conduct code, assistance provided to outside law enforcement agencies, damage to campus property, and motor vehicle accidents. The public safety reports are updated on a weekly basis during the academic year and are available online.

Office of Media Relations: Public Safety Reports, August 2009