The Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity offers several classes each semester. Keep reading for a brief overview of three (out of many) classes being offered this semester. Enroll now while there are still available seats!
Visit our website for a full list of course offerings.
CSCR 10700 - Introduction to Latino/a Studies
This interdisciplinary course explores the varied experiences of Latinos/as in the United States, past and present. Drawing from the disciplines of history, anthropology, literature, women's studies, and ethnic studies, it examines the historical roots of Latino/a, Chicano/a, Puerto Rican, Cuban-American, Central, and South American peoples. In particular, it will focus on notions of family, gender, class, race, political economy, language, and sexual identity in relation to public policy and Latino/as' struggles for place and power. Its approach is historical and comparative and it emphasizes the multiplicity of Latino/a experiences as well as the strategic deployment of the term Latino/a. Prerequisites: None. 3 credits. (F-S,Y)
3.000 Credit Hours
3.000 Lecture hours
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Discussion, Lecture
D.I.I.S. College
Culture, Race & Ethnicity Department
Course Attributes:
Humanities, Liberal Arts
CSCR 10800 - Introduction to Whiteness Studies
The category "white," like other racial categories, is a historical fiction with concrete impacts on those it defines. This course will examine the emergence of whiteness as a social and legal category determining the distribution of rights and privileges including voting rights, property rights, and the right to own one¿s own body. We will critique and deconstruct whiteness through the examination of historical and contemporary cases. This will include a look at subaltern categories within whiteness, such as working-class whites, "white" Latinos, European immigrants who were initially classified as non-white, and those who have inhabited racial border zones by at times "passing for white." 3 credits. (F,IRR)
3.000 Credit Hours
3.000 Lecture hours
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Discussion, Lecture
D.I.I.S. College
Culture, Race & Ethnicity Department
Course Attributes:
Liberal Arts
CSCR 20800 - Nation, Migration, Citizenship
In this course, we will examine the cultural construction of national belonging and differential experiences of citizenship. While citizenship is often conceptualized as a uniform relationship between an individual person and their society, in actuality the practice and experience of citizenship is diverse and differentiated along lines of gender, race, class, and legal status. We will use the case study of migration, particularly transnational migration to the United States, as a lens through which to examine this unequal distribution of citizenship¿s promise. 3 credits. (F,IRR)
3.000 Credit Hours
3.000 Lecture hours
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Discussion, Lecture
D.I.I.S. College
Culture, Race & Ethnicity Department
Course Attributes:
Liberal Arts