Intramurals Sign-Ups Due This Week!


Contributed by Scott Flickinger

Get your Sand Volleyball, Soccer, and Softball entries in before the deadline!

Sign up today for some great upcoming sports!

Just a reminder:  Intramural signups are underway!  All we need is you!  Signups have never been easier!  All you need to do is go to our website at: and click on the activity.  Go to "Entry Form" and fill out the form from there!  Easy!

The following activities are due within THIS WEEK! 

Sand Volleyball Weekend Tournament:  Monday, August 31st at 2:00pm

Softball, Outdoor Soccer, and Indoor Flag Football:  Wednesday, September 2nd at 2:00pm

Forfeit bonds, intramural rep agreements, and rosters are due at the captain's meeting.

If you have any questions, please call us at 274-3320 or e-mail us at

Get those forms in today!