Every semester the Counseling Center offers new groups for you to improve your life and your relationships. Please check out our groups for the Fall '09 semester! Groups are free and confidential.
Transitions: adjusting to college
Are you NEW to Ithaca College? Would you like to meet with other new students in a safe atmosphere to talk honestly about the challenges of adjusting to college life? This group will meet 4 times during the first block with the option of continuing second block if group member are interested. Call for details! Facilitators: Alice Meilman, LCSW (Wednesdays 3pm), Paul Mikowski, Psy, D. (Thursdays 4pm), LeBron Rankins, Ph.D (Thursdays 3pm)
Mindfulness Meditation
Do you want to relax more or discover “who am I?” You can learn how to use mindfulness meditation to reduce stress or to better understand yourself. Join this 6-week group with a low-pressure and accepting environment where you can meditate more regularly or you can start to meditate and find other people who do as well. Facilitator: Paul Mikowski, Psy.D. (Fridays 3-4pm starting 09/04 through 10/09)
Food and Feelings Group
Are you concerned about eating, body image, or weight issues? Have you ever wondered if your distress around eating is connected with feelings? Do thoughts about food and body image take up too much of your time and energy and contribute to negative feelings about yourself? If this sounds familiar, please join this 5-session group for education and support. Facilitator: Alice Meilman, LCSW
Creating REAL-ationships
Do you feel that your social relationships are not as satisfying as you would like? Are you concerned about your relationships with peers, friends, partners, and family? Want to get feedback on how others really see you? Join this weekly group for a new interpersonal experience in a safe atmosphere. Facilitators: Suki Montgomery, Ph.D and Lezlie Namaste, Social Work Intern. (Wednesdays 1-2:30pm)
Sexual Assault Survivor Support Group
If you have had an unwanted sexual experience, have been sexually assaulted, or raped, there is support for you. This group will help you to cope with anxiety, sadness, guilt, and anger & will give you the chance to feel supported & offer help others who also feel alone. Facilitator: Suki Montgomery, Ph.D.
Surviving your family
This group is for students who have grown up in difficult family situations. If your experience of “home” includes harmful, neglectful, and dysfunctional behaviors by those who are supposed to care about you, this is a chance to share your experiences and feelings in a safe space with others who have been there. Facilitator: Pam Johnson, LMSW (Every Wednesday from 4-5:30pm, to start September 30th).
Grief & Loss support sessions I & II
These informational support sessions are for students who have experienced the death of a family member, partner, friend, or any special person in their life. The sessions will focus on what to expect from yourself and others during the grieving process, and on ways to cope with the emotional pain and disruption natural to such significant loss, especially when living in the college environment.
Facilitator: Pam Johnson, LMSW (Friday, October 23 and Friday November 6th, both from 3-4:30pm)
Please call if you are interested in joining a group.
All groups are Free and Confidential.