Read how joining the Wellness Clinic is the perfect way to improve your health


Contributed by Judy Mauk

The Wellness Clinic can help you become a happier and healthier You!

At a cost of only $125 for the year- the Wellness Clinic membership is a steal, given what you receive in return. Other people pay hundreds for the same exercise leadership and guidance.

The best method for warding off illness and injury is having a preventative strategy that includes a proper balance of exercise and good eating habits. Ithaca College's very best undergraduate and graduate exercise science students will get you going on the perfect exercise program for your needs! In addition, the Wellness Clinic also offers free nutrition counseling so you can get your diet in check!

The Wellness Clinic provides a safe, friendly atmosphere for you to exercise in. As a member of the Wellness Clinic you will be assigned a student trainer. The trainers are seniors in the Clinical Exercise Science program or graduate students in the Exercise Science program. They will assess your current fitness level, discuss your goals, formulate an exercise program tailored specifically to your needs, and help you implement this new program. Additionally, whenever you are exercising in the Clinic, there will be two trainers supervising the floor who can assist you with new exercises/equipment and answer any questions you might have. We also have 13 group exercise classes that are free with your membership.

We are located on the third floor of the Center for Health Sciences. The Wellness Clinic is open Monday through Friday:

Please see our website and click "Join the Clinic" to fill out our health history form. We will then contact you and get you on your way to becoming a healthier version of yourself! 

Wellness Clinic Website