"The U.S. and Latin America: Recent Events in Honduras"  


Contributed by Patricia Rodriguez

talk by Father Roy Bourgeois, founder of SOA WATCH 

Thursday Sept 24. 10:50am- 12pm Handwerker Gallery

Event is co-sponsored by CUSLAR (Committee for US-Latin American Relations), Ithaca College Politics Department, Park Center for Independent Media, Latin American Studies, and Handwerker Gallery and is free and open to the public


 Father Roy Bourgeois, a Catholic priest (Maryknoll), began working in Latin American after serving in the US Navy in Vietnam. The rape and murder of four US churchwomen by Salvadorian soldiers 1980 stirred his political activism surrounding US policy in El Salvador. He has since become an active and outspoken critic of US foreign policy in Latin America. 

The School of the Americas, now named the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, in Fort Benning, Georgia, is a US taxpayer-funded institution that trains hundreds of soldiers from Latin America in combat skills. Many brutal Latin American dictators who have ordered and committed brutal killings were trained in these facilities. In 1990, Father Roy’s founded the School of the Americas Watch to actively keep tabs on the SOA, as well as championing other social causes in Latin America and within the Catholic faith.

Father Roy was recently in Honduras and will speak about the June 2009 coup events.


