“Polysaccharides: From Bioengineered Drugs to Energy Storage Devices” is the title of Robert J. Linhardt's talk on October 13, 2009
The heparin polysaccharide is a prominent clinical anticoagulant and the most widely used carbohydrate-based therapeutic. Heparin is a natural product prepared from animal tissues. The heparin contamination crisis in 2008, led us to examine opportunities to utilize biotechnology to prepare a bioengineered heparin for therapeutic applications. In undertaking this project in became clear that we lacked a full understanding of heparin biosynthesis, particularly the control of the placement of structural domains within the heparin polysaccharide. We have initiated an artificial Golgi project, utilizing both microfluidic and microarray platforms, to serve as a test bed to develop a means to control heparin biosynthesis.
We were also interested in preparing heparin composites for the construction of biocompatible nanobots and other biomedical devices. While exploring these applications we discovered a polysaccharide-based energy storage device and founded “The Paper Battery Company.”
All are welcome to attend~ Seminar begins at 4:30 p.m. with refreshments served at 4:00 on the 3rd floor lobby of Center for Natural Sciences building.