Reports from the Field: Global & Local Experiences of Anthropology Students Oct. 22 7pm


Contributed by Brooke Hansen

If you are interested in study abroad opportunities (both in house and affiliated), internships, and local archaeological field schools, come and hear about the experiences of anthropology majors in India, Greece, Washinton, D.C., Samoa, and central New York. Thursday Oct. 22 at 7pm in Williams 218.

If you are interested in study abroad programs (in house and affiliated) and other opportunities for internships and archaeological field schools, come and hear what anthropology students have to say about their experiences. Presentations include: Annie Levers in Samoa; Emma LeClerc in Washington, D.C.; Megan Kelly and Hannah Siebold in India; Hannah Reynolds in Greece; and Michael Spears and Charles Kahan in Central New York (archaeological field school at a local Cayuga site). Refreshments will be served. Contact Jack Rossen (Chair, Anthropology) for more information 274-3326 or