Water for Sudan's Water Bottle Sale & Meal Signaway This Week!


Contributed by Adam Polaski

 Water for Sudan will be tabling in Campus Center Monday through Thursday this week selling Green water bottles and taking signatures for a meal sign-away! Stop by and lend your support to our cause!

From Monday, November 2 through Thursday, November 5, Water for Sudan will be tabling in Campus Center to sell Green water bottles and accept signatures for a meal-signaway!

The Green Water Bottle sale is a joint effort between Water for Sudan and the Ithaca College Environmental Society (ICES). We are selling stainless steel water bottles in three different sizes - 12oz, 20oz and 25oz for $14.00, $15.00 and $16.00, respectively. Bring some cash or write checks out to Ithaca College and help support water accessibility in southern Sudan today!

If you can't purchase a water bottle, make sure you sign away a meal! If you have a meal plan at Ithaca College, all you have to do is write down your name, ID number and signature, and if you do not swipe into the dining hall for breakfast (before 11am) on Monday, November 16, $2.25 gets donated directly to Water for Sudan, Inc. The signaway doesn't take any meals away from your weekly plan - so if you have a 14-a-week plan, you'll still have all 14. It's a great way for you to contribute to Water for Sudan with hardly any effort at all!

Water for Sudan is affiliated with STAND, the Ithaca College chapter of the national anti-genocide coalition.

