The Ithaca College Stone Soup Philanthropy Corps, the on-campus partnership with the Tompkins County United Way, is hosting a recruitment meeting and information session on Tuesday, November 17 at 5:30pm in the OSEMA conference room. Join our fundraising, advocacy and allocations group!
The Stone Soup Philanthropy Corps raises money throughout the year from a variety of different sources - on-campus student groups, the faculty United Way campaign, meal-signaways and our biggest fundraiser, February's Family Carnival. Each year, we invite non-profit organizations in Tompkins County to apply for the funds that we have raised so that we can help further local service projects and strengthen the effectiveness of the non-profit organizations. In November, we will be allocating our first grant, which is a huge step and success for our fledgling organization.
Any interested IC students should attend the meeting on Tuesday to learn more about how you can contribute to the organization. If you cannot attend but are interested in getting involved, especially in the spring 2010 semester, please email