Debate Team Dominates at Cedar Crest Tournament


Contributed by Scott Thomson

The Ithaca College Speech and Debate Team traveled to two tournaments during the weekend of November 21st and 22nd. 

The team dominated the debate division at Cedar Crest College in Allentown, PA. Heike Domine (11) finished in first place defeating a debater from Emerson University.  Heike was also ranked as the second best speaker at the tournament.  Jessica Mortellaro (13) was the tournament’s top speaker and a semifinalist.  At Yeshiva the team competed in “impromptu style” debating and finished with a winning record.  It was the first time Ithaca has tried this type of debating which consisted of two person teams debating a topic that was revealed only ten minutes before the start of the debate.  The team of Heike and Jessica finished 2-1 as did the team of Krystina Drasher (13) and Caleb McWhorter (13).  The only teams lost to were from Yeshiva who won the tournament.  The team continues its busy season traveling to Ohio State University this weekend.