You Are Invited to Our Weight Watchers at Work Open House!


Contributed by Christine Haase

When:  Tuesday, 8 December 2009 

Where:  HR Training Room, GL052 Peggy R. Williams Center 

Time:  11:15 – 12:00 p.m. or 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. 

Why:  Check out the program, meet our leader, and join the group! 

Attending the Open House is the perfect time to meet our leader, Samarra (She’s fantastic!), and learn how WW can help you reach your goals. Now is the perfect time to join with the holiday season upon us. And what could be more convenient than meeting here on campus?

Our third consecutive 17-week series begins the following week, December 15th. Registration information can be found on HR's Work/Life webpage. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to register your choice of meeting time, then send your remittance to Chris Haase, Philosophy & Religion, 223 Roy H. Park Hall School of Communications to officially reserve your spot.

Since beginning the At Work meetings in April 2009, we have dropped a total of 1157 pounds and six members have achieved Lifetime status. [This just in: Another member is close to becoming a WW Lifetime member!] Many more members are seeing success along the way. So can you—join us to find out how!