With an online course you can learn anytime, any place -- at home or while you travel. Ithaca College online courses are as close as your computer. In nine days, you get a nearly immersive academic experience with the convenience of setting your own schedule. It's a great way to learn.
Ithaca College Winter Session is offering the following online courses over winter break, January 11 - 22, 2010:
HLTH 11300 Personal Health
SPCM 11500 Business & Professional Communications
ECON 12200 Principles of Microeconomics
TVR 13100 Media Writing
MATH 13500 Mathematical Art with Computers
SOCI 20400 Sociology of Symbols and Representation
HPS 20500 Critical Health Issues
CNPH 21500 Grant Strategies: Media Makers and NonProfits
HLTH 22700 Stress: Its Nature & Management
WRTG 23800 Poetry Writing I
TVR 26000 Quantitative Mass Media Research Methods
ANTH 29008 Anthropology through Film
TVR 29300 Minicourses in Comm: The Prime Time Closet
HLTH 35000 Psychoactive Drugs
JOUR 39000 Sports Journalism
SPMM 39900 Current Issues in Professional Sport
HPEG 61500 Technology Applications in Education
SPAN 43700 Contemporary Spanish Culture
HPEG 59902 Seminars in Health & PE: Grant Writing