Friday January 8, 2010 is the last date to submit reserve requests to guarantee that they will be processed by the start of the Spring semester. Please submit Winter session requests by Friday December 18, 2009. Please see the letter below for more information.
Dear Ithaca College Faculty,
Friday January 8, 2010 is the last date to submit reserve requests to guarantee that they will be processed by the start of the Spring semester. Requests submitted after this date will be processed in the order they are received. We suggest getting your reserve requests in as soon as possible so we can email you with any questions we have regarding your request. You will receive email notification upon completion of your request. The Spring semester begins on Monday January 25, 2010.
● Please submit Winter session requests by Friday December 18, 2009. Winter session classes begin on Monday January 11, 2010.
● Submit reserve requests on-line using the following link: Complete and accurate information ensures timely processing.
● Submit Digital Audio Reserves on-line using the following link:
● The Ithaca College Library course reserve policy may be found at:
● For general reserves and e-reserve questions please contact Rebecca Borowski, Electronic Reserves/Second Shift Coordinator or Mary Simpson, Circulation Services Coordinator at
● For multimedia reserves and digital audio questions please contact Scott Fish, Multimedia Services Assistant at
We wish you well during these final weeks of the semester. Thank you for taking the time to plan for Spring ‘10. We hope you enjoy your winter break!
Thank you,
Rebecca Borowski, Mary Simpson and Scott Fish