PROFESSORS, RDs and RAs-SCHEDULE AN LGBTA DIVERSITY PANEL to speak in your class/dorm this semester!


Contributed by Catherine Kirchhoff

 What is an LGBTA Diversity Panel? Who is in charge of putting the panels together?Does it cost anything? How do I schedule one?

A ZAP! is an educational panel discussion that centers around individuals representing a range of sexual and gender identities and expressions - including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and straight.

Each panelist shares a personal story as an introduction. Then people in the audience are invited to ask questions and start a dialogue with the panel members.

prism, Ithaca College's gay-straight alliance dedicated to education and outreach puts the panels together and facilitate the ZAPs

It is a well spent $40.00

You can schedule one and find out more information about ZAPs by emailing: or You can schedule a ZAP! anytime through out the semester.