The staff of the Hammond Health Center is pleased to be offering free H1N1 vaccinations to faculty and staff on:
Thursday, January 21st, from 12 noon until 4 p.m. in the Recreation Center on the 1st floor of the Campus Center, and
Friday, January 22nd, from 11:00 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the Human Resource PC Training Room on the Garden Level of the Peggy Ryan Williams Center
The Health Center has a limited supply of H1N1 vaccine available in both formulations, nasal mist and shot. We will begin vaccinating current Ithaca College faculty and staff members only, on the dates indicated above. We will not immunize spouses, children, or retirees. These clinics are open to all faculty and staff members, on a walk-in basis, no appointments are necessary. As such, we are unable to predict the response or the wait times, so please be prepared to wait patiently or return at a later time. Please dress appropriately to receive a shot in the upper arm, as this will help to reduce potential wait times.
You will be screened to determine which formulation of the vaccine you are eligible to receive. The nasal mist is generally recommended for healthy people from 2 to 49 years of age, who are not pregnant. The shot is generally recommended for anyone who is 50 years or older, pregnant, or those with other underlying or chronic health conditions such as asthma or other chronic respiratory disease, immune deficiency, chronic inflammatory disorders like Crohn’s disease, and individuals on chronic corticosteroid treatment.
We believe we have enough vaccine available to accomodate these two clinics, however, we ask that you monitor Intercom for announcements in the event that we exhaust our supply of vaccine earlier than expected. Ongoing clinics will be announced later, as we monitor our supply of the vaccine. Please call the Health Center at (607) 274-3177 with any questions.