Wellness Wednesday This Week: Biofeedback


Contributed by Nancy Reynolds

Wellness Wednesdays Bring-Your-Lunch Series for Students, Faculty, & Staff begins this week.

12:00-12:50PM in the Cayuga Lake Room, Campus Center
Bring Your Lunch! Light refreshments will be served.

Kick-Off Event: January 27 featuring Paul Mikowski, Psy.D., Psychologist
Center for Counseling and Psychological Services
Biofeedback: How Relaxed Are You?

Relaxed after winter break? Maintain your stress-free state by developing healthy skills early in the semester.

-Understand your body's stress response.

-Learn to use a personal stress reliever device.

-Identify easy ways to manage your stress level this semester.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Reynolds, MSPH at the Center for Health Promotion at nreynolds@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


