"Commit-to-Change" Program Announces Funding Opportunities


Contributed by Marian Brown

Interested in getting paid for doing good work? Check out the "Commit-to-Change" program website for information about paid fellowships, internships, and project grants. The application deadline for all Spring applications is April 1, 2010.

Student Projects
The Student Projects program provides funding support to IC students to pursue research or demonstration projects, individually or in groups. Up to $500 per project is available. Additional funds (max of $500 per student) are available to support student travel to present their research projects at academic meetings.  Applications are due April 1 for May, Summer, and Fall activities.  

Any full-time Ithaca College student is eligible to apply for fellowships of $500-$3,000 that reward students or teams of students who have been engaged in projects that advance sustainability on the Ithaca College campus or in the greater Ithaca community. Students from any school or major may apply for these fellowships. "Commit-to-Change" fellowship applications are due April 1.   

Funding is available to pursue internships and research experiences. Students can apply for on-campus or off-campus positions. On-campus stipends are $4,000. Off-campus internship stipends are $3,000, with preference given to internships with established community partners, including EcoVillage at Ithaca, New Roots Charter School, Tompkins County Solid Waste, Sustainable Tompkins, Cayuga Nature Center, Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute and others. Applications for summer or Fall semester internships are due April 1.

Visit the "Commit-to Change" program website to view application guidelines for each program

