Visual Resources Digital Image Collection - art and architecture images for teaching...


Contributed by Randi Millman-Brown

The Department of Art History's Visual Resources Collection (VRC) new hosting initiative with ARTstor (a digital library of almost one million images) is available for use for all Ithaca College faculty, staff and students. 

ARTstor is a digital library of images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities and the social sciences, and is available to the campus community through the Ithaca College Library's website - or through the ARTstor website at

As of October 2009, the VRC's own collection of over 20,000 digital images is available to the entire Ithaca College community through ARTstor's hosting program, for use by faculty and students across campus, both inside and outside the classroom. 

The hosting program allows the VRC to upload the Art History Department's teaching collection of images to ARTstor's site. This will provide faculty with an even larger repository of images for teaching and student study, and also allow the department's images to be seamlessly integrated with ARTstor's vast collection, either via ARTstor's online presentation tools, or through its Offline Image Viewer. The VRC will continue to expand the department's digital image database and will be adding new images to the ARTstor repository on an ongoing basis.

When you log into ARTstor’s home page you will see the Ithaca College - Visual Resources Collection link and you can either search on that collection alone or all of their collections.  You can create image groups, course folders, study guides and presentations all through ARTstor.

We will have an information table set up at the upcoming Ed Tech Day - March 25, 2010 - so stop by to see how you can access these images to use in your classes.

For further information and instruction please contact the Visual Resources Curator, Randi Millman-Brown at, 274-3198, or visit