If you are a Rising Senior planning to live on campus for the Fall 2010 semester, it is very important for you to submit a Senior Intention form. The Office of Residential Life cannot guarantee you the right to live on campus if you do not submit your senior intention form by Friday, February 5, 2010 at 5pm. The Office of Residential Life will assume any senior who has not submitted an intention form by February 5th will be moving off campus.
The original deadline to return senior intention forms was Friday, January 29, 2010, however we are extending that deadline to Friday, February 5, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Beginning in December, Senior Intention form deadlines have been shared via E-mail, the Intercom, and the Ithacan.
Because we currently have a large population of students in on-campus housing and want to avoid having an equally large population of on-campus students next year we must confirm the number of seniors needing campus housing immediately. Therefore any student who will be a senior for the 2010-2011 academic year, who does not submit a Senior Intention form by February 5, 2010 at 5:00 p.m., will not be guaranteed on-campus housing.
Exceptions will not be granted.
It is extremely important that Senior Intention forms be returned to the Office of Residential Life by the February 5th deadline if they plan to live on-campus. Any senior who does not turn in a form will be blocked from all on-campus selection processes. The Office of Residential Life will, however, offer a senior on-campus waitlist. In the event space is available on campus, seniors on the waitlist will be offered the opportunity to secure on-campus housing. The waitlist will be prioritized by the number of semesters completed and by a random housing priority number.
Senior Intention forms can be obtained in the Office of Residential Life located in the East Tower lobby. Senior Intention forms only need to be returned if the intention is to live on-campus for the 2010-2011 academic year.
Any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Residential Life at 274-3141 or via E-mail at housing@ithaca.edu.