If you think you might need some extra help in understanding the material in some of your courses, keep reading:
In addition to one-on-one tutoring, Academic Enrichment Services (AES) is offering group Supplemental Instruction sessions for several courses. The sessions last one hour, are led by students who are familiar with the course material, and allow you to review and ask questions about what was covered in class! You’ll learn from your peers and be better prepared. What could be better than that?
Starting Monday, February 8, the following sessions will be offered:
Anatomy & Physiology II (EXSS 12100) - Mondays 7-8pm - CNS 117
Principles of Biology (BIOL 12200) - Mondays 6:30-7:30pm - Williams 219
Calculus II (MATH 11200) - Tuesdays 7-8pm - Friends 209
Calculus for Decision Making (MATH 10800) - Thursdays 8-9pm - Friends 302
No advanced sign-up is needed. Just drop by with your questions.
More courses will be added soon, so stay tuned. If you have questions about these sessions, e-mail tutoring@ithaca.edu.