Work/Life Lines:  Sticking to Your Goals can Yield Great Results


Contributed by Caroline Stull

Have you set a goal for yourself recently or are you planning to revise an older goal? In a true story provided by, Juli set a goal for herself that yielded life-changing results. No matter around what topic your goals revolve, Juli provides five change-management tips that you may find helpful in achieving your goals.

1. Accept the fact that change is needed. Determine price and pain of keeping things the way they are -- and calculate the benefit of doing things differently. If you're going to change, you need to build your own convincing case.

2. Do plenty of research. Analyze and uncover the key success factors.

3. Take action. Good research is crucial, but it's no substitute for action. Get going, and expect the going to get tough.

4. Maintain your motivation. Do whatever it takes to keep moving in the right direction.

5. Tell your story to help others. Helping others is the best way to help yourself over the long term.

To read Juli’s full inspirational story, visit

“It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.”  - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Work/Life: We believe in the integration of work and life outside of work.