LGBT Awareness Month Approaches


Contributed by Luca Maurer

Are you planning a campus event, activity, lecture, happening, or celebration with a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) theme in April? Is your student group, organization, or department discussing programming or events in conjunction with the campus observance of LGBT Awareness Month in April? And are you wondering about ways to get out the word on campus about your event to maximize interest and attendance?

Good news: the LGBT Center is compiling a listing of all things LGBT-themed that are scheduled in April. This year LGBT Awareness Month will feature a range of events -- from speakers to film screenings to social events -- and we want to create the most comprehensive event listing possible about all these great campus offerings.

Please call or e-mail the LGBT Center (274-7394, to have your events included. A preliminary listing is being prepared, and additional publicity will be available when the list is finalized.

Questions? Contact the LGBT Center today.