Searching for the next Student Trustee- Apply now for this influential leadership position


Contributed by Michele Lenhart

Do you have a passion for Ithaca College? Then help shape the future of IC. The Student Trustee serves as the only student on the Ithaca College Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is the highest governing body at Ithaca College and is responsible for hiring the president, approving new polices, setting tuition, and maintaining the integrity of the college. As a full voting member the Student Trustee helps make these decisions while providing other trustees with a student perspective.

The Student Trustee is one of the most influential positions for a student on campus, and provides tremendous networking and leadership development opportunities. Applications are available now in the Student Activities Center, located on the third floor of campus center. For more information contact, or attend the informational meeting.

Information Meeting for Student Trustee Search

Wednesday March 3, 2010

8 p.m.

Friends 205