Give back to the Ithaca community with International Student Volunteers


Contributed by Hannah Braun

On Thursday 2/18 at 12:15pm in CNS 115 International Student Volunteers will be holding their first club meeting. If you are interested in volunteering locally, come to the meeting!

We want to encourage volunteering by doing activities that you are interested in. Bring your ideas. Do you want to help the elderly or kids? Do you want to serve the poor, homeless and disadvantage? Do you want to do conservation work by rebuilding trails? Do you want build?  If you want to help others we want to help you!

Maybe you want to travel with ISV this summer. Check out your options at As an alum from ISV Thailand and South Africa I will be happy to answer your questions.

We are all more that US citizens, we are global citizens. Help your neighbor. When was the last time you did something for the first time?

If you have any questions email me at and join the facebook group ISV at Ithaca College.

Hannah Braun