Join us today, March 3, in the Cayuga Lake Room of Campus Center
from 12:00-12:50.
Bring Your Lunch. Light refreshments will be served.
Athletics & Event's Center: What's the Scoop?
Featuring Ken Kutler, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics & Recreational Sports
-What will this state-of-the-art facility include?
-When will it officially open for campus use?
Get an insider's peek at the A&E Center components - including indoor/outdoor tennis courts, aquatics pavilion, lighted turf field, golf practice area, and more!
Brought to you by the Center for Health Promotion:
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Reynolds, Program Director, Center for Health Promotion, at or 607-274-7933. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.