Enjoy special event notices, discussions, campus clubs, and food facts through the Facebook fan page “Ithaca Dining Services”.
This group has been created by the ’09 ’10 interns to educate IC students, faculty and staff about the services and events Dining Services offers as well as provide links to IC clubs that are related to food and to learn about the sustainability initiatives Ithaca Dining Services offers. In addition, fans will have access to special discounts.
Become a fan today!
In addition to the Ithaca Dining Services Fan Page, nutritional intern Allison Parker has created a Facebook group called: “Nutrition @ IC”
Get your fill of health tips, fun facts, recipes, recent health and wellness studies as well as general nutrition information. This group has been created with the interest to educate IC students, faculty and staff about the many aspects of health. Feel free to check the group out, become a member, and interact with your comments, questions and concerns.
Join Nutrition @ IC today: