ITS Helpdesk Opens in Job Hall Center for Information Technology on Tuesday!


Contributed by Karen Compton

As of Tuesday, March 16th, the ITS Helpdesk will be located on the first floor of Job Hall. The Helpdesk phone number has changed to 607-274-1000. The Helpdesk will continue to operate 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and will continue to handle all technology questions as well as account requests and optical scanning.

Also as of 3/16, several other ITS offices will open for business on the first floor of Job:

The Technology Learning Center remains in Friends 101. Over the next few week, most other ITS areas will also be moving to Job Hall. We'll let you know when we're all in our new location!

ITS would like to thank the college administration for this wonderful new space. We look forward to continuing to provide for the technology needs of the campus community for many years to come.