Applications for the William A Scoones Community Service Award and the Rashad G. Richardson “I Can Achieve” Memorial Scholarship applications are now available online.
Are you someone who has made a difference through service for others?
The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is proud to announce that their yearly community service award applications are available now.
William A Scoones Community Service Award
Each year two Ithaca College students will be recognized with a considerable cash award for their community service efforts. This annual award recognizes Ithaca College students who have made significant contributions to the community through service work
Rashad G. Richardson “I Can Achieve” Memorial Scholarship
This merit scholarship is intended to recognize a high-achieving male/female Ithaca College student representing the African-American, Latino/a, Asian, or Native-American community (ALANA). The student receiving this scholarship will have made significant contributions toward improving the quality of life for ALANA youth in the Tompkins County Community. In the event that the recipient of this award is receiving need-based loans, the award will be utilized to reduce loan indebtedness.
Applicationsand references are due by Wednesday April 7th by 5pm.
The link to the online application and the award critieria can be found here: