Faculty Trustee: Nominations Invited  


Contributed by Stanley Seltzer

At the end of this academic year, Michael Rogers's three-year term on the Board of Trustees comes to an end.  As is its policy, the Board has invited the faculty to present three candidates for them to consider as they appoint a successor.


Faculty Council has agreed to use the procedure it has followed in the past: a call for interested faculty followed by a ballot with the three top vote-getters being recommended to the Board.  More specifically:

  1. This announcement serves as a call for interested faculty to submit a short statement of interest and qualifications to me on or before March 31.  These will be posted on the Faculty Council Web site.
  2. If there are more than three candidates, Council will conduct an approval ballot.  (I.e., you may vote for as many or few of the candidates as you wish -- ostensibly those of whom you approve.)  The three candidates receiving the most votes will be recommended to the Board.
  3. Those recommended will be asked by the Board to submit a resume and a statement of interest (by April 15).  

Please feel free to give me a call (4-3561) or drop me a note (seltzer@ithaca.edu) if you have other questions.  

