Gerontology Institute Presents at National Conference


Contributed by Penny Bianconi

Two staff and one faculty member from the Gerontology Institute made presentations at the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education’s (AGHE) Annual Meeting held March 3–March 7 in Reno, Nevada.

John A. Krout, Institute director and professor of gerontology, presented a paper, Intergenerational Service Learning With Elders: Activities and Outcomes.

Pamela Mayberry, associate director and academic program coordinator, gave two presentations; Tips for Preparing Your AGHE Program of Merit (POM) Application, and A Train-the-Trainer Series for Rural Long-Term Care Nurses: Challenges and Successes.

Associate professor Mary Ann Erickson’s presentation was titled, Teaching About Long-Term Care Policy.

For more information about the presentations or other Gerontology Institute activities, please phone 607-274-1965.