Ithaca College students are being urged to make sure they are counted in the 2010 U.S. Census. For most students who live off campus, their census forms have already been delivered in the mail to their Ithaca residence. Those living in residence halls will have their forms distributed by their RAs in mid-April.
The census counts everyone living in the United States—including international students—in the location where they are living as of April 1. For students, that generally means where they are attending college.
The census form is easy to fill out, with just 10 questions that should only take 10 minutes to complete. All responses are kept strictly confidential.
It is important for off-campus students to understand that individuals living in the same apartment are considered part of the same household, and only one census form should be completed that counts everyone in that household. Please complete the form and return it as soon as possible in the U.S. mail envelope provided. If you cannot find the form that came in the mail, the Campus Center Information Desk has extras.
It is important for everyone to be counted, since getting an accurate picture of the number of people living in Ithaca is crucial for receiving funding for services such as TCAT.
More information can be found at