In the past week or so several people -- staff, students, and faculty alike -- have mentioned receiving an e-mail solicitation from "the Ithaca CampusLIVE Team."
While the CampusLIVE site includes a host of links to various official Ithaca College pages, please be advised that it is in no way affiliated with or sanctioned by the College. While we encourage the use of social media at IC, we strongly suggest that members of the Ithaca College community be wary of any implied affiliation with the College on third-party sites.
Currently we maintain an official page on Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter, as well as a YouTube channel and iTunes U. We’re hoping to move into geotagging sites (Foursquare, Yelp, Gowalla, and so on) in the near future. We’ll keep you posted as we continue to enhance the College’s social media presence.
Happy spring!
Jake Daniel
Manager, Web Marketing and Social Media