There are a variety of courses, from labs to field classes, for those interested in indigenous cultures and the minor in NAMS.
During the May summer session (May 17-28) Service Learning in Native America (ANTH 19000), Archaeology Lab (ANTH 45300), and Race & Ethnicity (SOCI 20700) will be taught. The gateway course for the minor is offered Summer Session I, North American Indians (ANTH 27000). In the fall, the courses include Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 10400, 7 sections), Iroquois and Their Neighbors (ANTH 27300), Anthropology of Hawaii (ANTH 28100, the pre-req class for the Hawaii field class Jan. '11), Introduction to World Religions (RLST 10500, 3 sections), Political Justice (POLT 12300), and Social Aspect of Sport (SPMM 29500). Other courses with Native content can also be considered for the minor. We will also be welcoming a Native American Studies pre-doctoral scholar in residence for 2010-2011 who will teach one course in the fall and one in the spring (TBA). For a full listing of courses go to "documents" at or contact Brooke Hansen (Anthropology) or 274-3326.