Patricia Zimmermann presents Open Space lecture in Bangalore


Contributed by Rosalie Fitzgerald

Patricia Zimmermann, codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival in the Division of Interdisciplinary and International studies, delivered an invited talk at Jagaa in Bangalore India in March.

The title of her presentation was "Towards a Theory of Open Space Documentary and New Media," a theorization of how international documentary form has shifted into a collaborative, horizontal model in new media and social media multiple platforms.

Jagga is non governmental new media organization in Bangalore that explores productive and collaborative space in urban areas. Dedicated to interdisciplinary convenings across different sectors, Jagaa principles include technologists, new media artists, filmmakers, social justice groups, and architects exploring the formation and building of new spaces within the context of development.

Zimmermann is currentlyserving as the Shaw Foundation Professor of New Media at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.