ITS has a patch that will fix the Windows computer rebooting issue but we need your assistance in order to address this problem as quickly as possible.
Due to the large number of computers affected, it will not be possible for ITS technicians to visit every machine in a timely manner. Therefore, we are asking a designate from each department or area to come to the ITS Helpdesk, 1st floor Job Hall, between 8 am and 5 pm and pick up a CD and the documentation for installing the patch. Installing the patch should only take a few minutes after which designates should pass the CD along to others in their area. Please note: the instructions need to be carefully followed.
If you continue to experience problems or have trouble installing this patch, please contact the ITS Helpdesk, 274-1000, for additional assistance.
ITS labs and eclassrooms appear to be functioning properly. Contact Classroom Technology Support if you encounter problems in the classroom.
Thank you for your help and patience.
ITS Helpdesk