I am pleased to announce that Dean Gregory Woodward of the School of Music has agreed to serve Ithaca College as interim provost beginning on June 1, after Kathleen Rountree takes up her faculty position. Dean Woodward will serve in this capacity until a permanent provost is named through a search process that will take place during the fall 2010 semester.
Dr. Woodward has been dean of the School of Music since 2008. In that brief time, he has led the Music faculty and staff in a redesign and renewal of the school’s mission and vision statement, overseen the development of new curricula in several fields of study, and implemented a new merit aid program that brings the most talented music students to Ithaca.
Greg Woodward has been part of the Ithaca College community since 1977, when he matriculated into our Master of Music program. He joined the Ithaca College faculty in 1984, teaching primarily in music theory and in composition. Since then, Greg’s administrative experience has been extensive, beginning as Director of Music Admissions and Assistant to the Dean, 1981-1983. From 1985 to 2003, he chaired or co-chaired the Music School’s graduate programs, and also had responsibility for the summer program. In 2003 Greg became dean of what is now the Division of Graduate and Professional Studies, and led the division through a remarkable period of growth that included establishment of our first doctoral program (the Doctorate in Physical Therapy) as well as expansion of the master’s programs in business administration, education, exercise science and sport management.
Since my own arrival at Ithaca College in July 2008, I have known Dean Woodward to be an energetic and visionary leader whose commitment to academic excellence has carried our widely-respected School of Music to even greater prominence. He will be effective in leading our academic excellence initiatives in the year ahead – including both the specific initiative around IC2 and the broader initiative to define and implement a program for excellence through reflection on our Guiding Principles.
In the coming weeks, Dean Woodward will take the lead in identifying interim leadership for the School of Music.
I know you will join me in thanking Dean Woodward for his willingness to serve Ithaca College in this crucial position of academic leadership during the important interim period ahead.