Psychology Students Present at Conference


Contributed by Bernard Beins

Psychology students from two Research Teams presented five posters at the 25th annual University of Scranton Psychology Conference on April 17.

The students who conducted the research and the titles of the presentations appear below. In addition, pictures of students at the conference can be found at (Professor DePalma's Photo Gallery) and at (Humor Research Team).

Expectations of Offensiveness in Humor–A Reverse Priming Effect
Gregory Miller, Skyler Babcock, Yun Chou, Alison Christiansen, Jonathan Kraus, Alycia Ippolito, Brian Stewart

Sexism and Priming for Offensiveness in Humor
Skyler Babcock, Yun Chou, Alison Christiansen, Jonathan Kraus, Alycia Ippolito, Gregory Miller, Brian Stewart

Sense of Humor: Are We All Really Above Average?
Alycia Ippolito, Yvonne Romero, Skyler Babcock, Yun Chou, Alison Christiansen, Jonathan Kraus, Gregory Miller, Brian Stewart

Observing the exclusion principle through jokes and priming
Brian Stewart

Counterfactual Thinking and Judgments of Responsibility
Kelly Broadwell, Clayton Moser, Elijah Earl, Melissa Bialick, Megan Burns, Kathryn Donivan, Danielle Gentile, Kara MacDonald, John Metzger, Jackie Timberlake

Psychology students have submitted presentations to the University of Scranton Psychology Conference every year since 1988.