Experience Germany, Austria, and Switzerland THIS Dec 28th - Jan. 5th!


Contributed by James Pfrehm

I currently have 3 spots still open for students interested in joining me for a 9-day tour of alpine Europe (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) tentatively scheduled for Dec. 28th-Jan. 5th, 2011.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO SPEAK GERMAN TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TOUR. A healthy curiosity of the world beyond Ithaca and a good pair of walking shoes will be enough.

If you're interested or curious, you can find more detailed information, plus the price quote (NOTE: this doesn't include airfare yet) HERE. Note, also, that this quoted price is for 6 people; the price goes down as more people sign up.

Our trip will entail a heavy experiential component: what we learn about and discuss we will also EXPERIENCE, even if this means getting our hands dirty in the creamery, the brewery, the alpine hut, or on the dance floor (you've got to dance with the Germans/Austrians/Swiss if you really want to learn about their music).

Please contact James Pfrehm at jpfrehm@ithaca.edu, or stop by Muller 301 to talk, if you are interested, or if you know of other possibly interested students.

