Barney Beins (Psychology) Co-Edits Book, Authors Chapters


Contributed by Judy Smith

Professor Barney Beins has co-edited a book on the scholarship of teaching and learning in the psychology major. The book is entitled Best Practices for Teaching Beginnings and Endings in the Psychology Major: Research, Cases, and Recommendations and was published by Oxford University Press.

Co-editors on the book included Dana Dunn (Moravian College), Maureen McCarthy (Kennesaw State University), and Bill Hill (Kennesaw State University). The book was a product of a conference sponsored by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology on successful ways to begin and end student experiences as psychology majors.

Professor Beins also co-wrote chapters in the book entitled “Research Teams: Developing a Capstone Experience with Programmatic Research” with Phil Wann (Missouri Western State University) and “Writing for Psychology Majors as a Developmental Process” with Randy Smith (Lamar University) and Dana Dunn (Moravian College).