Students from four psychology research teams – led by Cyndy Scheibe, Judith Pena-Shaff, Hugh Stephenson and Barney Beins – presented their research at this year’s Eastern Colleges Science Conference at Pace University on April 24th.
Now in its 64th year, ECSC is the longest continuing undergraduate science conference in the United States, providing a forum for students to present their research in biological sciences, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, environmental studies, math, engineering, and psychology. Ithaca College has hosted ECSC in 1988, 1995 and 2003.
There were 59 platform presentations and 197 poster presentations given at this year’s conference. Twenty-six students participated from the Dept. of Psychology at Ithaca College, giving a total of 15 poster and platform presentations. One award was given for each format (poster, platform, paper) in each field.
The award for the Outstanding Poster in Psychology was given to Jordana Cohen, Matt Dianthony, and David Morgan for College Students Use of Psychiatric Medication (advisor: Hugh Stephenson).
The award for the Outstanding Paper in Psychology was given to Delia Beck for Gender Differences in Body Dissatisfaction, Diet preoccupation and Fitness Preoccupation among College Students (advisor: Cyndy Scheibe). This was the first time an award has been won for a paper by a psychology student at Ithaca College.
Platform presentations given by Ithaca College psychology students included:
Commercials Use Tricks! Young Children’s Understanding of Persuasive Intent in TV Advertising
Jillian Rubin, Tayra Fedorka and Alex Briscoe (advisor: Cyndy Scheibe)
Expectations of Offensiveness in Humor--Reverse Priming Effects
Brian Stewart, Skyler Babcock, and Jonathan Kraus (advisor: Barney Beins)
Gender Differences in Body Dissatisfaction, Diet Preoccupation, and Fitness Preoccupation Among College Students
Delia Beck (advisor: Cyndy Scheibe)
Interactive Advertising: Advergames, Children, and the New Media Environment
Emma Alder (advisor: Cyndy Scheibe)
Perceptions of School Climate: Differences Based on Demographics
Jessica Cantor, Hayden Eager, and Yuji Wanatabe (advisor: Judith Pena-Shaff)
Racial and Ethnic Minority High School Students' Perceptions of School Disciplinary Practices: Do Students Perceive School Disciplinary Practices as Biased?
Alyssa Femia, Joshua Shultz, Bradley Tucker, and Julie van Buren (advisor: Judith Pena-Shaff)
Social Support and Depression in College Students
Bailey Meade, Juliana Gonzalez, Jeremy Rabin, and Nikki Quarrier (advisor: Hugh Stephenson)
“You're Fat, Ugly and Throw Like a Girl” A Content Analysis of Gender, Weight and Appearance Messages on Pre-Teen Television.
Kevin Fry, Lauren Okaly and Isabel Kaufman (advisor: Cyndy Scheibe)
Young Children's Understanding of Nutritional Messages about Fruit and Sugar on Television
Alyssa Kapner and Beth Gotterer (advisor: Cyndy Scheibe)
Poster presentations given by Ithaca College psychology students included:
Alcohol Use, Relationships, and Risky Behaviors
Sean Sackett, Natalie Gola, and Danielle Berado (advisor: Hugh Stephenson)
From Hannah and Zoey to Zack and Cody: An Analysis of Characters in Pre-Teen TV Shows
Alicia Campese and Julia Capozza (advisor: Cyndy Scheibe)
Searching for the Sense of Humor: Personality and Self Perceptions
Alycia Ippolito, Yvonne Romero, and Brittany Ruggerio (advisor: Barney Beins)
Sexism and Priming for Offensiveness to Humor
Gregory Miller, Yum Chou, and Alison Christianson (advisor: Barney Beins)
The Power of Love: The Effects of Romantic Relationships on Health and Wellness
Bryant Kuehner, Jason Garcia, Chrissie Delvalle, and Nicole Malerba (advisor: Hugh Stephenson)