Leigh Ann Vaughn, Associate Professor of Psychology, publishes monograph on persuasion


Contributed by Leigh Ann Vaughn

Leigh Ann Vaughn, Associate Professor of Psychology, has published a monograph on persuasion:

Vaughn, L. A. (2010). Regulatory fit and persuasion through advocacy messages and narratives. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers.

This monograph puts into a larger context existing research on persuasion and regulatory fit (a psychological experience of doing something with strategies that are a good fit for one's current goal). It lays groundwork by describing what regulatory fit is and how it can affect judgments through feelings-as-information, metacognitive, and other processes. Then it presents a review of current research on how regulatory fit affects persuasion through advocacy messages and through narratives, noting where interpretational ambiguities exist. Finally it proposes how effects of regulatory fit on persuasion might differ according to elaboration or transportation likelihood and according to whether the regulatory-fit experience results from an initial event unrelated to the communication or from engagement with the communication itself.

