Associate Professor Timothy Johnson to give presentation at the National Baseball Hall of Fame.


Contributed by Dianne Zamoiski

Associate Professor of Music, Timothy Johnson, will give a presentation at the National Baseball Hall of Fame at the Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, June 2-4. 

He will present on his experience teaching a seminar in the Ithaca College Washington Program in 2008. This seminar, Music and Baseball in the Deadball and Post-Steroids Eras, focused on baseball-related sheet music held in the Library of Congress and music played during a ballgame at Washington Nationals Park. This presentation will detail a novel way of bringing baseball into the classroom in a significant way--combining archival research with experiential learning, crossing disciplinary boundaries, and treating baseball as a cultural experience that reflects historical and contemporary perspectives on American society. An award-winning author on the relationship between music and baseball, Johnson will be giving his fourth presentation at the Hall of Fame.