Many members of the campus community have been seeking advice from ITS on the purchase of Netbooks and Apple iPads. The advantages of these devices over traditional laptops are cost, size and weight. However, these devices are not substitutes for laptops and do not have the functionality found in a standard laptop. Netbooks and iPads typically meet “personal” needs, but are generally not suitable for “business” needs. and, in many ways are similar to cell phones and smart phone devices.
At this time, ITS does not support these devices and is not adding these devices as an option for the Technology Renewal program. Hardware in the Technology Renewal program must be able to meet the business needs of the user over the three-year life cycle of the equipment. iPads and Netbooks do not meet that goal at this time.
Individual users and departments can purchase these devices on their own but will then be responsible for all software and support needs. If departments purchase these devices the only option for campus network connectivity will be via an ICAirnet wireless connection.
Information about purchasing college-owned hardware and the Technology Renewal program is available online. If you have any questions, please contact the Helpdesk, 607-274-1000 or stop by 104 Job Hall.