Therapeutic Recreation Majors Serve on the Board of Directors of the New York State Therapeutic Recreation Association


Contributed by Janice Elich Monroe

Four Graduates of the Therapeutic Recreation Major are Members of the New York State Therapeutic Recreation Association's 2010 Board of Directors. 




Gillian Mayson (06) serves as the Newsletter Editor and on the Licensure Committee. Debra Silver (04) is the Chair of the Public Relations Committee and joins with Leslie Hoot (93), newly elected to the BOD, in the development and dispersal of high school recruitment materials to encourage interest in the Therapeutic Recreation Profession. Jayson Schwab (06) was  also elected to the BOD of Directors at the Annual Conference held in Saratoga Springs, New York, March 20-23, 2010. In addition, Marrisa Capullo (06) serves as a member of the Licensure Committee.