Learn about graduate, law, medical, business, or pharmacy school, and what it can do for your career.
On July 31st, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the Ithaca Kaplan Center will help you kick-start your future at GradFest '10. Get tips from our admissions experts on how to get in, how to succeed, and a chance to win a FREE iPAD when you pre-register for the event (attendance is not necessary to win, so even if you’re not able to make it, sign up for your chance to win!!). GradFest will take place at the Ithaca Kaplan Center at 414 College Ave.
Attend an admissions seminar. Learn how to stand out amidst increased competition.
Experience our top-rated instructors. Learn methods and strategies for attacking the exams' most difficult content.
Network. Chat with Kaplan faculty, admissions experts, and other prospective applicants.
Win great prizes. We'll be giving away free Kaplan courses, iPads, books, special discounts, and more throughout the summer!
Use the links below to register to win a FREE iPAD today and reserve your spot for this year’s GradFest ’10!*
*To register on these Kaplan sites, you will be asked to provide your name, email address, phone number, zip code, and graduation date.