Are you interested in learning more about "Student Centered Integrative Learning?"


Contributed by Michael Buck

Remember to register for the upcoming workshop on Student Centered Integrative Learning with Dr. Tine Reimers

Fall Faculty Development Workshop
August 28,2010
8:30am - 4:00 pm

Park School of Business Atrium and BUS 111
Light Breakfast and lunch will be provided
Registration Click to register

Student Centered Integrative Learning:
Creating Meaning...
    Building Bridges...
        Developing Interdisciplinary Networks
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should
contact Jan Monroe, Faculty Development Coordinator, in the
Office of the Provost at We ask that
requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
    Workshop Description: Why is it so hard for students to connect
the concepts in my discipline, beyond ‘just the facts’?  Why can’t
they see the connections between what they study in my class and
in other classes?  How can I get students to make these connections 
faster and in a more sophisticated manner?  These are persistent
and perplexing questions with which faculty members wrestle 
as they prepare each class they teach. In this interactive set 
of workshops, participants will learn why students respond the 
way they do to our carefully crafted courses, what we can do to 
deepen their understanding of our own disciplines, and how we 
can connect students and ideas across disciplines in ways that 
help them see the larger picture.  Participants will come away 
with concrete strategies for designing integrative learning into 
their own classes, get ideas for how to design and implement 
interdisciplinary courses, and have the chance to look at 
successful examples of courses using integrative learning 

Dr. Tine Reimers serves as Special Assistant to the Provost for 
Faculty and Program Development at the University at Albany. In 
this position, she works on programs for faculty and leadership 
development, program development, and facilitating the 
assessment of student learning outcomes. Dr. Reimers obtained 
her PhD from the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, and 
has taught in a variety of settings, from large “Research I” 
institutions, to small colleges, to universities in France and 
Japan. Her 20 years of classroom experience teaching students 
from diverse backgrounds, combined with 14 years of faculty 
development experience at UNC–Chapel Hill, Indiana University–
Bloomington, the University of Texas at El Paso, and Cornell 
University have helped her build a thorough understanding of 
the strategies best suited for faculty advancement, faculty 
mentoring, leadership development and effective student learning 
in higher education. Tine has worked with faculty from all 
disciplines, presenting teaching, leadership and professional 
development programs designed to help faculty from all ranks 
to reflect on and integrate the varied strands of their 
professional and personal lives.   
Registration Click to register