Update on Provost Search


Contributed by Nancy Pringle

I write with an update on the progress and plans regarding the search for Ithaca College’s next Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) and a request for your ongoing involvement in our efforts. The search committee members recently reviewed the search prospectus draft, and our edits were incorporated by our search consultant, Ms. Julie Tea. The search prospectus is a valuable tool that will be used to solicit nominations and recruit candidates nationally. We invite you to review the prospectus at www.academic-search.com/uploads/profiles/IthacaProvostProfile.pdf.


As you review the search prospectus, please pay particular attention to the attributes most highly desired in the next Provost and VPAA. I invite you to suggest people you know who could serve effectively in this important position, or those you think might know of potential candidates. Please share their names with me or Julie Tea (Julie.Tea@academic-search.com), as well as any advice you have on the best way to approach the individuals. Our committee is well aware that the success of our search depends on the involvement of all members of the Ithaca College community. All names and information will be treated with full confidentiality. The next several weeks will be devoted to building a robust and diverse pool of highly qualified candidates.

The search is off to a good start and we on the timeline to have finalists on campus by November. I will write to you again as we enter subsequent stages of the process. Please feel free to contact me at npringle@ithaca.edu with questions you may have. Thank you again for your interest and support.


