OSCAR will be open and staffed Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 AM until 1 PM for the next two weeks. Don't keep surplus office supplies cluttering up your space, bring them to OSCAR. Check with OSCAR before you purchase new supplies. OSCAR is a FREE service.
OSCAR is a project of the Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) to collect and redistribute reusable office supplies among Ithaca College offices, departments and student organizations. OSCAR is a place where you can share unwanted but, still usable and useful, supplies from your office with other departments on campus. It's also a place to find usable items, donated by others, for your office.
OSCAR is located in Philips Hall Room 196, right across the hall from the Department of Education Main Office.
If you would like to make a donation of office supplies or check on the availability of a needed supply, please e-mail: irecycle@ithaca.edu and we will arrange for a pick up or to meet you at OSCAR.